Modern ultrasound has now acquired a very important role in the spectrum of imaging modalities available for the study of the musculoskeletal system.
This technique has become an indispensable tool in the clinical management of sports injuries, degenerative and traumatic lesions of the articulations and periarticular soft tissues, as well as – in certain circumstances – clinical management of the bones.
Stefano Bianchi and Carlo Martinoli are internationally renowned leaders in their field who, as a long-standing and remarkable team, have acquired an exceptional expertise. This is amply demonstrated by their numerous and outstanding contributions to the literature, as well as by their worldwide lecturing and participation in teaching seminars on musculoskeletal ultrasound.
Although some additional chapters have been authored by other well-known ultrasound specialists, most of the chapters have been prepared and written by Stefano Bianchi and Carlo Martinoli. This feature is a guarantee for uniformity and homogeneity of style, concept and presentation throughout the whole volume. An update of our knowledge and the latest insights into this subject are provided for each anatomic area of the musculoskeletal system.
I would like to congratulate the authors most sincerely for their superb efforts in preparing this remarkable volume, which comprehensively covers the extensive and varied spectrum of musculoskeletal diseases, in the management of which ultrasound can make an important, if not essential, contribution to better clinical diagnosis and better guidance of therapy.
Moreover, this work is superbly and abundantly illustrated by numerous anatomical drawings, photographs and ultrasound images, all realized with state-of-the-art and high-end equipment. These well chosen illustrations strongly enhance the didactic and educational value of this book.
Without doubt, this outstanding volume will be of great value to certifi ed general and musculoskeletal radiologists, radiologists in training, as well as orthopedic surgeons and rheumatologists in their daily clinical practice. I am confi dent that it will meet with the same success among readers as the previous volumes published in this series.
Leuven Albert L. Baert
Over the last 15 years, musculoskeletal ultrasonography has become an important imaging modality used in sports medicine, joint disorders, and rheumatology. With the rapid development and sophistication of this modality, essential information for a better understanding of the pathophysiologic assessment of many disorders has been established. This, in turn, has aided both in making crucial decisions regarding surgical
intervention and in monitoring the effects of therapy. Equally important is the ready availability, affordability, speed, and diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography.
Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System is an invaluable text comprising 19 chapters and approximately one thousand pages and figures. The authors have designed unique schematic drawings which aid in better understanding the anatomy of the body part in terms of its sonographic characteristics discussed in each chapter. Correlations of ultrasonography with CT and MRI fi ndings are applied throughout the text, demonstrating not only the exact indications for its use, but also highlighting its limitations.
Technical advances continue to improve the utility of ultrasonography as a diagnostic technique in musculoskeletal imaging. Drs. Bianchi and Martinoli have successfully capitalized on the collaboration between radiologists, orthopedists, and rheumatologists as exemplified by their representative images and correlative discussions. Many of the techniques described in the text have been pioneered or improved by Dr. Bianchi and Dr. Martinoli. This text should become a key library reference source for radiologists, orthopedists, and rheumatologists. It is extremely readable and its illustrations help in the clarification of points made in the text. Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System is the most comprehensive work of its kind to date. It establishes a higher standard in musculoskeletal imaging and should remain a classic for years to come.
Ibrahim Fikry Abdelwahab, MD
Formerly Professor of Radiology
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
Weill Medical College, Cornell University,
and New York Medical College